Our Team

Margot Greve - Artistic Director

Margot Greve is an interdisciplinary theatre creator, movement director and dramaturge. Her central focus as an artist is to create unapologetically FUN works of theatre. As a freelance director she has worked on projects with the Panoply Collective, the Uncommon Folk Collective, Mixtape Projects and other independent companies in Toronto. When not producing, she can usually be found at a pub trivia night, in a nook reading or cooking something way too complicated for her skill level in the kitchen. Contact her at margotgreve@mixtapeprojects.com

Ben KopP - Creative Associate and Music Director

Ben Kopp is an actor and musician originally from London, Ontario. He is a 2019 graduate of the Toronto Metropolitan University BFA Acting program. Since the success of his original musical, Over Again, Ben has been busy writing, composing and contributing to Mixtape Projects. When not making music, he can usually be found playing scrabble, taking a nap in sunny spot, or watching NBA basketball.

Past Contributors

From left to right: Ben Kopp, Sienna Singh, Maddy Hodges, Tavaree Daniel-Simms, Layla Ainsley, Margot Greve, Claudia Nigro, Emma Fiorante, Steven Hao, Ben Yoganathan

From left to right: Ben Kopp, Sienna Singh, Maddy Hodges, Tavaree Daniel-Simms, Layla Ainsley, Margot Greve, Claudia Nigro, Emma Fiorante, Steven Hao, Ben Yoganathan